Monday, March 21, 2016

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Oh man St. Patrick's day was crazy! There were soo many people everywhere. The whole city smelled of alcohol also. We were asked not to proselyte so we went to members homes, and hung out with one of the recent converts. I loved those pictures you sent, and I am glad everyone is alive and happy. We asked some Irish people if pinching someone if they are not wearing green is an Irish tradition and they said it was not. Yesterday church was so great because there were many less actives and investigators at church. Also there were a few families from America visiting as well. 
   Earlier today we rode down a pathway through this grassy field and a couple dogs started to chase us. It was probably the most missionary feeling thing ever.
   We are finding some of the coolest people ever to teach, and I am very excited for the next couple weeks of this transfer. I hope you all have a great week.
Elder Scholz
St. Patrick's Day in Ireland!
Sooo many people

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